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As we kick off 2024, spending our evenings watching Novak’s inevitable march to his 800th Australian Open — we’ve been thinking about the transformational year ahead of us — in particular, the groundbreaking technologies set to shift the experience landscape.

AI and Generative AI arrived in 2023, but it will be 2024 when they truly become embedded in everyday business strategies, systems, practices and behaviour.

AI led to a 45% increase in web traffic

At Cartercarter, we’ve already immersed ourselves in AI’s possibilities — from programming bespoke chat-bots, to game-changing AI-powered CRM analysis. We also created a completely automated AI-blog-experiment, which led to a 45% increase in website traffic and several new clients…

AI SEO experiment

This chart shows how we increased website traffic to by 45% with our AI powered SEO experiment.

Thank you 2023

It’s safe to say that 2023 was a busy year! We’d like to take a moment to thank all of the clients who have trusted Cartercarter to create memorable brands, unique strategies and dynamic customer experiences.

james basecamp

— Everest Base Camp

A huge thank you to everyone who sponsored James on his trek to Everest Base Camp. Together we raised over $20,000 for PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation.

— Award season

We were thrilled to win two Web Excellence Awards, taking out Finance and Politics categories. Stay tuned for a couple of award-winning case studies.

So, what does 2024 hold?

The quality of generative AI has improved at an incredible rate. Images that were at first a confusing mess of pixels (see said AI blog experiment) are becoming sharp and distinct; voices are becoming more human, and text is becoming more accurate. In fact, AI is set to transcend text and voice entirely.

Soon, your chatbot will be AI-support, able to respond to human emotions, facial cues and even tone of voice (calling Telstra to speak to their newly AI-powered customer support team will certainly be an experience…)

And that’s the thing…customer experience is much more than saving time or discovering business efficiencies — it’s about delivering an incredible omni-journey from start-to-finish, and that very much includes ethos and brand.

Responsibility and sustainability will be the other force of 2024, driving consumer decisions and behaviour. And with no clear legal boundaries or precedent set around the socially acceptable use of AI, we are set for an intriguing, obverse year — where some brands lead the way while others overstep badly.

But, with the right oversight, quality management and implementation — AI is an incredible opportunity — one that can’t be ignored. If you’d like to talk about the ways AI can improve your customer experience or even just learn a bit more about the possibilities — get in touch.

Happy New Year and speak soon!